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Description sexybunny40

I am a proud Playboy Playmate (Miss June 2006) and naughty divorce’ who has a zest for life! I am currently enjoying my time back in my hometown in northern IN after several years on the East coast. I enjoy traveling to new places both exotic and rural and want to share my travels with you both present and some from my Playboy days. Some of my interests include classic cars, culinary arts, animals, hiking, real estate and fashion. I am very comfortable in my skin and more confident than ever! I plan on creating new content a few times a week that you will be sure to love! If you have any suggestions or requests please feel free to drop me a DM. I love to pose in lace, leather, latex, corsets, silk, fancy bikinis and anything see-through. I’ve been told I have pretty feet, so I’ll add in feet pics here periodically for your viewing pleasure. Tips and likes are greatly appreciated and let’s me know you enjoy my content.

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