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Description nora.loa
My name is Nora, I am beautiful, and I have been working in the field of modeling for 8 years already, you must agree that experience is not small ha ha)))
During this time, I have participated in a variety of projects, the filming of which was organized mainly in European countries. It really was a variety of projects that very different people worked on, from outright commercial eroticism to art nude projects, various genres, a huge variety of photo and video material, someone painted pictures, someone sculpted a sculpture, books were printed, works were exhibited with my image in museums, in general, yes, during this long time there was a lot!
But at the moment, due to quarantine in many countries, I am restricted in movement, and I cannot do the work that I really love. That is why I decided to try to make money on this platform. Among other things, I would like to try not just to pose for the camera as I did before, I want to take a picture myself.
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