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Description janabella Here you can get all my feed vids and pics for free. The only paid vids on this account are sent as pay-per-view messages.I also offer:
Custom vids from 10$/min
Custom pics 3$/pic with bulk discount possible
Lingerie from 50$ onwards
Girlfriend experience 300$/week
Dick/cumshot rating+2 or 3 min clip 40$
Sexting 4.5-6$
24, throne located in Berlin, part-time fashion icon and techno hoe&full-time content creator with mad skillz - Queen of Hardcore, Huge Squirts and kinky shit. I make sick custom vids, so get in touch and ill leave u gasping for air ;) I'm funny as shit, lil bit weird (if ''lil'' meant VERY), and intelligent af (talk literature to me, baby!) I love listening to music, dancing and smoking. it's a good thing the devil told me there's a special place for me in hell, cuz im used to heat since i always be lookin hot as hell ;) and one more thing - CATS!!!