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Description hannahiscuteaf

Hi guys, welcome to my world 👀 Here is where we get a bit more "personal" 🤭

I'm a submissive and I suppose you all know what that means 👀 My favorite positions are cowgirl and missionary as I love seeing my partner's expressions. ❤

I'm posting at least twice a week and I'm checking messages every time I could. Please feel free to send me requests, ideas, suggestions, etc. 🥰

I'm down for collaboration also, either video making or modeling! 😝

I love you all so much and thank you for your support! 🥰

NOTE: As much as I love pleasing you guys, there are a few rules that must be followed here on my page:
- Only English is accepted. Comments and messages written in other languages will not be answered.
- I do not tolerate any rude comment, hate speech, threats, and so on.
- Please show respect to others.

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